Character Concepts
Character #1
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Weight: Heavy and Muscular
Where's he Going: He's Going to for a meal with friends
Mood: Happy and Hungry
Where will he be going after: He'll be going for drinks with his friends
What's he want: Food & to see his friends
Power Centre: Shoulders/chest
Character #2
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Mood: Hungover, so feeling a bit tired and sick, and generally can't be bothered.
Where is she going: To work
Where's she going afterwards: back to bed
what does she want: Her bed and not to be at work
Power Centre: Knee's ( really downward as if her leg's are dragging her to where she's going)
Character #3
Age: 65
Gender: Male
Mood: Angry and annoyed ( because he had to pay full fare on the bus, because he didn't have his pass)
Where's he going: Trying to get on the bus.
Where's he going afterwards: home to complain to his wife.
Power Centre: Chest (so his back is hunched over)
What does he want: To get on the bus for free
I decided to go with character #3 and in our tutorial session we got put in groups and acted out each other's character's walks, i have put the video's i thought were very useful towards my walk below.
I really like this one, because she does the hunched over perfectly and i love the look back she does at the driver to tell the driver once again "i'm not happy with you".
And the look back in this video is just perfect, so if i did a look back in my personality walk i would definetly take reference from this because i think it's brilliant and shows the mood perfectly.
This would be quite good for the walk off, wrapping himself up, just some different idea's to think about here.
I like Mr Fredickson's walk from Up, but i couldn't really find a good reference video so this one will have to do, i think it show's it enough. I like that he is quite hunched and never really looks happy and thats how i want my guy to look.
I quite like the way this guy moves, its very hunched and slow.

Before I animate a walk cycle i like to draw out the poses, so then i can visualise what the walk should look like. Basically for this walk i've planned out that i want the characters back hunched over quite a bit, and high shoulders with clenched fists, so you can tell he's angry & annoyed. I'm going to add in more arm movements during the walk cycle, to give him more personality.
Here is a few poses of the walk stepped out. It's just a more exaggerated walk cycle with a head turn. I plan to add in some more arm movements like shaking his fists in anger, or a nice head shake, which would show he's annoyed.
I was having alot of trouble figuring out how to animate this walk cycle, so i started again, with a different character (Morpheus Rig)above, and i found this reference video on youtube and found it very helpful to use some of the poses in my walk.
I started my walk again because i couldn't get it quite right, i'm now using the (max rig) and using an angry walk cycle from "the animators survival kit" by Richard Williams.
Below is a playblast of what i've done so far, its just quite basic but i'm gonna add in all the details in at the end and get the important stuff done first.
Final Rendered Personality Walk