Friday, 10 February 2012

Rap & Clap

For my Rap & Clap i wanted to do my character driving in the car, singing along to the radio (Prince-Kiss)

I did a reference video of myself singing the (prince-kiss Song!) I think it looks way too forced and i wasn't really getting into the song as much, so i got my friend in the video below to do a reference video for me singing and dancing to the song.

I found this reference video from scary movie 2 i thought it was quite nice how she taps her hand off the dash board when she's singing.

This is my favourite reference video which i think I'll be using most of the poses from this video

This reference video is just the first bit with the guy singing in the car.

I Like how he's signing words of the song, with his hands, which is quite nice and his little shakes of his head.

Character Profile

Name: Lucy
Gender: Female
Occupation: Commis Chef ( works all day 5 day's a week)
Ipod: 80's Music, Chart Music, Pop/Rock, Country
Dreams: To be a pastry chef one day
Education: School, Catering College
Sense Of Humour: Cheesy and silly, loves a good dad joke
Health: Goes to the Gym on her day's off, tries to eat healthy by having a salad now and again.
Hobbies: Xbox-ing, watching Boxsets, going to gigs (concerts)
Fears: Anything with more than 2 legs scare her, especially spiders
Friends: Has a close knit group of friends, that she's known since secondary school
Addictions: Clothes, she's a shopaholic!
Attire: Skinny Jeans & slogan Tee's, but if she has an excuse to dress up, she will go all out.
Status: Just below middle class i would say
Marrital Status: Boyfriend, who she argues with alot, but loves him all the more
Religion: Atheist
She likes to sing loudly in her car while she's driving.

I've put my customised (Morpheus Character) in a free rigged Car from ( here's a rendered frame of the character sitting in the car.

This is the second attempt at my open & closes of the lip sync on the rap and clap. Because i found it hard to figure out.

I did a reference video of myself pretending to drive a car and sing to the song at the same time, i think theres some nice movements in here like the quick glance to side as if there was passing cars. And closing my eyes on the cool with the head shake works really nice, i'm going to use a few of these little quirks in my animation.

Below is my short storyboard of what i want to be happening in my animation i've just done a few poses to words in the song, and hopefully going to bring them into my animation.

This is my key poses for my Rap & Clap, since the characters in the car, she doesn't move very much and I just wanted it to be more about her shaking her head and shoulders and slight arm movements, it's more about the facial expressions and her attitude.

Here's a playblast of the breakdowns i put in aswell, which make it a little better.

This is the page of notes i drew and wrote about what the mouth should look like when the character is saying each word

Here's the mouth shapes, I had a few goes at getting the mouth shapes right, i did try video referencing myself singing it but i found it to hard to see what shape was each word. So i said the words a 100 times or more in front of my mirror and drew the mouth shapes of each word, then i put them into here, i did the mouth shapes very subtle, because i seem to over-exaggerate everything way too much.

Here's a playblast of my animation with the spine splined.

This is the Part of my animation which is pretty much done, just need to spline the rest of my animation until it looks smooth and natural.

I wasn't able to finish animating my Rap & Clap so I have it rendered in just the blocked out & breakdown stage.